No course can compare to ACR
Arctic Circle Raceway is unique!
This may be said about most tracks in the world, but very few are so fun to drive and boasts a better grip, both wet and dry!

Arctic Circle Raceway ligger i luftlinje bare 13 km sør for den globale polarsirkelen, og med Saltfjellet- og Svartisen Nasjonalpark i nord og Tiurhaugen Naturreservat i sør som de nærmeste naboene.
Hele arenaen er basert på miljøvennlig gjenbruk av de gigantiske steintippene av gråberg fra Rana Grubers mangeårige virksomhet. Bare en tiendedel av arenaen er anlagt i tidligere uberørt natur.
Arenaens start/mål ligger 200 moh, og alpetindene som løfter seg opp gjennom isbreen i nord, strekker seg opp til over 1400 moh. Vi tillater oss på nordnorsk vis å hevde at Arctic Circle Raceway med sine 3750 meter, 11-13 meters bredde og mer enn 30 meters høydeforskjell, er den flotteste banen i verden.
Dypt under arenaen, 30 - 40 under asfalten og tvers gjennom de grove steintippene, renner elva Vesteråga. På veg mot fjorden passerer vannet tre ulike vannkraftverk. Det innebærer at hvert eneste lille snøfnugg, og hver eneste regndråpe som skyfles bort av vinduspusserne på bilen, vil vende tilbake til arenaen som fornybar kraft. Ingen andre baner i verden har slik energiforsyning!
Arctic Circle Raceway ble åpnet i 1995 etter nesten ti år med planlegging og bygging. Bak realiseringen stod entusiasme og pågangsmot fra lokalt motorsportmiljø, godt hjulpet av lokalbefolkning, lokalt næringsliv, kommune, fylkeskommune og titusenvis av dugnadstimer.
Arenaen ble etter godkjenning i Norges Idrettsforbunds styre realisert som riksanlegg for roadracing på linje med andre norske riksanlegg som Ullevål Stadion, Vikingskipet, Kvitfjell Alpinanlegg og Holmenkollen. Arenaen eies av et aksjeselskap med samme navn.
Selskapet eies i dag av Norges Motorsportsforbund og ACR AS med hhv 51 og 49 prosent eierandel.

Recognized layout and track surface
When FIM's track inspector, the Austrian Martin Hejduk, head of FIM Europe's Road Racing Commission, inspected ACR in the autumn of 2019, he knelt down and took a close-up of the asphalt. He wanted to bring the picture with him to other track owners in the world.
- I have to show them how you did it, was his explanation.
Did you know that the layout of the course is designed with a pencil by an engineer from the Norwegian Public Roads Administration?
FIM's Martin Heijduk, flanked by NMF's federal lawyer Geir Lilletvedt and ACR's board member Geir Steinbakk
The Youtube channel Lap of the World has taken an interest in the world's northernmost racing arena. The previous track in the series was the world's lowest running track, the Thermal Club in California, and this time ACR was presented, in fact, as the third track in the series.
Lap of the World is an interesting youtube channel well worth a visit. Producer Richard Graves says that a visit to Mo i Rana is high on the wish list, and we understand that so well! :)

In the mid-80s, the local motorsport community in Mo i Rana had ten years behind them as an organizer of asphalt racing at home, as the only ones in Norway. Ambitions for a course longer than 1.2 km began to take hold, but the first ideas were to expand the old course to international goals. But it was the ideas for a track in Fyresdal in Telemark that really accelerated the Mo i Rana plans.

The name of the curves
The North Pole is ACR's highest point, not the northernmost, and is also the name of the left curve you enter at the top. Some of the curves got their names already during the construction period, but other names have been added over time for various reasons and stories.

Increased public benefit
ACR is a sports arena specially adapted for motorsport. For ACR, however, it is of great importance that the facility has the greatest possible public benefit.
In the autumn of 2019, a project was therefore launched aimed at the country's emergency services. The aim is to facilitate different exercises, both for each individual agency, but also coordinated exercises in which the Norwegian Public Roads Administration, Avinor, the Civil Defense and others participate.
The project was delayed due to the pandemic, but has now been resumed.
Police are testing one of their special vehicles at high speed

to drop by
We receive constant inquiries from companies and private individuals to "drive a few laps" . As far as possible, we open for such, but only for registered vehicles and then at normal speed.
In connection with some car events, it is open to be a passenger during sporty driving, but this must be clarified in each individual case.
The café has no fixed opening hours, but on almost all event days it will be possible to have both dinner and coffee.

ACR received flowers and a gift certificate from its previous owner
the party crashed
In August 2020, ACR was to have its 25th anniversary, but strict infection control measures put an end to the plans for a large-scale road racing race and to a folk festival where especially those who took part in realizing the track were to be invited.
There was still a small celebration during the award ceremony after the Arctic Championship, where Mo i Rana's mayor Geir Waage also participated. ACR received flowers and a gift check for NOK 2,500 from its previous owner, and the mayor emphasized in his speech the importance and value of volunteering. Waage was optimistic on behalf of ACR, and hoped that a stronger focus on destination development would help lift the arena.
The anniversary was also marked with an article in the local newspaper Rana NO .
One of the region's most important destinations
When FIM's track inspector, the Austrian Martin Hejduk, head of FIM Europe's Road Racing Commission, inspected ACR in the autumn of 2019, he knelt down and took a close-up of the asphalt. He wanted to bring the picture with him to other track owners in the world.
- I have to show them how you did it, was his explanation.
Did you know that the layout of the course is designed with a pencil by an engineer from the Norwegian Public Roads Administration?

The company's management
As of today, the company has no employees. The company's daily operations are handled by the chairman of the board.
Arctic Circle Raceway AS is owned by the Norwegian Motorsport Association.
The board of the company is
Øystein Bentzen, Chairman of the Board
Frode Kvernrød
Geir Steinbakk
Accounting: Intunor
Auditor: BDO
The background video is produced by ACR's partner
Kills Bugs Fast, and is taken from the Sports Car Festival 2020